Summer Camp 2025 – Staff Registration

Summer Camp 2025

Welcome to the registration form for Summer Camps 2025! This year marks the 100th anniversary of Summer Camps in Victoria. Your participation is crucial in creating unforgettable experiences and memories for young people throughout Victoria. Join us in celebrating this special centennial year and help us continue the legacy of enriching Summer Camp experiences.

Please note that this application is only an indication that you are willing to be a part of our team, you will be informed of the outcome via email.

We appreciate your willingness to serve at Summer Camps 2025.

Preferred Camp

Which Summer Camp(s) are you available to be a staff member for?
You must be 21 years or older when camp begins to apply for GAP Camp.

Personal Information

In accordance with Victorian Conference Policy, completed application forms, reference information and volunteer agreement forms, etc., from successful applicants will be kept on file for future reference and will be marked “CONFIDENTIAL”. All information supplied will be treated in a strictly confidential manner.

Your personal information will only be used for the purposes of contacting you.

Feel free to skip through to the end and submit your form.

Background Information

Working With Children Check

If you are 18 years and older, you will need to obtain a valid Working With Children Check before the start of your camp.
You can visit for more information. 
When applying, please put down the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Victorian Conference) Limited as the employing organisation.

Character References

If you are new to Summer Camps, we’d like to get to know you a bit more first.

Your Role at Camp

In this section, we aim to identify how best to utilise your skills throughout camp. While this doesn’t guarantee a position, your responses will guide us in placing you where you can make the most impact. 
Except for a few crucial roles, all Summer Camp staff will fulfill the vital responsibility of being a cabin leader.


We run a variety of activities throughout Summer Camps, below are just some of the many options. Let us know which ones you’d most like to be involved in.

Medical information

We are no longer using Operoo for Summer Camp medical data, to (hopefully) make it easier for you.
All information is securely stored, and accessed only by authorised personnel. (ie camp nurses, activity directors)
It is important that this information is up to date when camp begins. If you would like to update the information at any point, reach out to us at

Emergency Contacts

Medical conditions

Please list below any known medical conditions or care notes, including:
allergies (anaphylactic), allergies (non-anaphylactic), anorexia/ eating disorders, asthma, autism, bed-wetting, blackouts/ dizziness/ fainting, bleeding disorder, diabetes, disability, eczema/ skin condition, epilepsy/ seizures, hearing impairment, heart condition, joint/ muscle/ bone problems, migraines, operations, phobia, recent illness, sleep walking, sight impairment, travel sickness, mental health issue. heart problems, respiratory problems, travel sickness, any other medical issue or care note.

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